Willetton Weather Perth Western Australia

 Latitude S 32° 02' 35" Longitude E 115° 53' 48" Elevation 17 m

Site details

The weather station is a Davis Vantage Vue, installed 14 October 2022. The console is located in the loungeroom, connected to a Windows 11 NUC PC. The Integrated Sensor Suite is mounted on a pole 2 metres above the roof. This contains sensors for Temperature, Wind, Pressure, Humidity and Rain. Site elevation is 17 m.

Although this is an amateur run station, it does provide an interesting insight to the conditions in local weather and micro climate.

Davis Weather Stations can be purchased from

Address: Postal Address: Email: cookequip@lescooke.com.au
83 President Street PO Box 3110 Phone: +61 8 9362 1266
Welshpool WA 6106 Carlisle South WA 6101 Fax: +61 8 9470 1848

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The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed to be accurate in any way. Do not make any life threatening decisions either directly or indirectly based on the information herein, no responsibility is accepted for any injuries, accidents or other incidents whether fatal or non-fatal, as a direct or indirect result of actions taken based upon the information herein.
Please refer to the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology for the official weather and forecast.

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